
Welcome to the Kirklees Wargames Club blog and forum. We are a small group of table-top wargamers who get together weekly to play games which vary from Ancient/Medieval, through English Civil War, American War of Independence, American Civil War, and all things Napoleonic, plus WW2 to Sci-fi and fantasy, using scale-model armies on purpose-built terrain and scenery. We meet at Beaumont Park Visitors Centre, Beaumont Park Road, Huddersfield HD4 7AY on Monday evenings from 6.15pm. New members (over 18) are always welcome. You can just drop in or contact us on: kirkleeswargamesclub@gmail.com. Facebook: Kirklees Wargames Club and Twitter: @KirkleesWC

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Warhammer FB: Wood Elves Battalion

I got a Wood Elves Battalion box and an army book for Christmas on the back of a game I 'ran' for my cousin's hubby and his son.
The box contained millions of parts on sprues.
It took me the best part of a month (between doing other stuff) to assemble them.
There are:
8 Glade Riders (including leader, musician and standard bearer)
12 Dryads (including leader)
24 Glade Guards (including leader, musician and standard bearer).
I am seriously considering getting some metal figures from wherever to act as Lords and Heroes.
Next blog: The Dryads...

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