
Welcome to the Kirklees Wargames Club blog and forum. We are a small group of table-top wargamers who get together weekly to play games which vary from Ancient/Medieval, through English Civil War, American War of Independence, American Civil War, and all things Napoleonic, plus WW2 to Sci-fi and fantasy, using scale-model armies on purpose-built terrain and scenery. We meet at Beaumont Park Visitors Centre, Beaumont Park Road, Huddersfield HD4 7AY on Monday evenings from 6.15pm. New members (over 18) are always welcome. You can just drop in or contact us on: kirkleeswargamesclub@gmail.com. Facebook: Kirklees Wargames Club and Twitter: @KirkleesWC

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Napoleonic Peninsula battle - French vs British


Players: Robin, Ray. Pete, and Adrian, Guy.

The French suffered a resounding defeat as they attempted to chase the British out of Spain.

The battlefield had a stream running up the centre, with a tributary (both of which had parts 'good going' and parts 'rough going', and a castille (chateau) where a bridge crossed the larger stream, somewhere approximately in the centre.

The French army was numerous, having a majority of line and recruit infantry across three brigades, four artillery batteries, and two cavalry brigades. Their main deployment was to the east of the stream, with two infantry brigades aimed at the castille area, and one infantry brigade to the west of the stream. The French cavalry also deployed well to the east, using the open ground to make quick progress around behind the castille.

The single French infantry brigade to the west of the stream set up a defensive position, placing their heavy battery on a hill to fire over their own troops.

The British deployment was entirely to the west of the stream. 

A brigade of KGL infantry quickly occupied the castille and set up a defensive position to the rear with artillery and a single square of infantry to face the massed French cavalry. A small Guards infantry brigade of two battalions reinforced this position, also setting up in squares behind the castille. 

Meanwhile the remaining larger British infantry brigade moved forward to the west of the castille to face the defending French infantry brigade, also sending two regiments of British cavalry around to attack this same position from the flank.

The battle in summary:

  • One French infantry brigade attacked the castille and was rebuffed, going into retreat. The second French infantry brigade didn't reach the front-line.
  • The French cavalry, having made quick progress around behind the castille, charged over the stream at the British flank, but were shot into retreat by determined British artillery and the three staunch squares.
  • The defensive French infantry brigade, heavily outnumbered it has to be said, had two battalions shot into dispersal, and although they rebuffed an initial British cavalry charge, succumbed to the second charge when a battalion in column failed to get into square, became unformed and was ridden down. The brigade effectively ceased to exist.
The battle was over, and a famous British victory was had (and a good job the victors get to write the battle report 😁). Tally-Ho.

In fairness to Robin, he had two inexperienced GdA players on the French side.

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