The year is 1465 AD and the Chinese with their Korean ally decide to invade Japan.
The Chinese intelligence and scouting must have been faulty, as they sent an almost totally mounted force into the hilly Japanese lowlands..
The samurai defenders were luckily able to deploy between 'difficult' hills, and with sporadic woods to their front, placing a large command of Ikko Ikki warrior monks (Hd S) in the centre, and trusty samurai foot (Bd O) on both flanks, expecting the Chinese force to try and outflank them.
As expected, the Chinese manouevered quickly to get their cavalry forces onto the flanks, found that the difficult hills had been reinforced with Japanese psiloi and ashigaru (Pk F) and so turned away, preferring eventually to charge head-on into the Japanese samurai flank commands.
The first cavalry force to hit home was the Korean ally left wing, but over two turns it became obvious the attack would fail as the samurai killed three bases of Cav O, with more to come had it continued.
The Chinese left flank was just about to charge home when the game ended, and the large and higher grade Chinese cavalry command never saw action.
The game ended with the Chinese invasion being repulsed and a victory to the Samurai.
Chinese were Norman and Nathan, Japanese were Guy and Tom.
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