
Welcome to the Kirklees Wargames Club blog and forum. We are a small group of table-top wargamers who get together weekly to play games which vary from Ancient/Medieval, through English Civil War, American War of Independence, American Civil War, and all things Napoleonic, plus WW2 to Sci-fi and fantasy, using scale-model armies on purpose-built terrain and scenery. We meet at Beaumont Park Visitors Centre, Beaumont Park Road, Huddersfield HD4 7AY on Monday evenings from 6.15pm. New members (over 18) are always welcome. You can just drop in or contact us on: kirkleeswargamesclub@gmail.com. Facebook: Kirklees Wargames Club and Twitter: @KirkleesWC

Sunday, 29 October 2023

Wars of the Roses Club Demo Game at Fiasco 2023

 A successful War of the Roses club demo game put on at Fiasco 2023 at the Royal Armouries in Leeds. Congratulations to all those involved in managing the project, supplying and painting units, and building the terrain. Fingers crossed for a new club member (or two).


Rupert Clamp said...

looks great, though Guy seems to have forgotton his glasses (if he wants to be part of the gang :-)).

Guy the Gorilla said...

Rupert - I had my reading glasses with me but forgot to put them on for the photo. We're missing Ray and James off the shot too, as they came slightly later. Hope you're well. Cheers, Guy.

Rupert Clamp said...

good thank you... I hope James and Ray had their glasses :-) Funny seeing the pics - its a long time ago when me and Ian did our Fiasco demo that recruited Robin...